
About Us

Forum Mortgage Bancorp., an Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee, specializing in residential and commercial mortgage financing. Our firm works and maintains close working relationships with over fifty (50) reputable banking institutions. Thus, Forum Mortgage Bancorp. is able to offer an extensive range of mortgage programs at the most competitive rates. Forum Mortgage Bancorp was founded in 1995 by Peter A. Mihopoulos, Bill J. Vasilopoulos and Opie Vasilopoulos. We are currently licensed in Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and Indiana. Forum Mortgage Bancorp will soon be licensed in  Texas as well.

Our Mission

To provide consistent and predictable growth to our organization by delivering reliable and exceptional services to our clients. At Forum Mortgage Bancorp, we believe in understanding and satisfying the financial needs of our clients. We are creating a significant value for them as well as creating rewarding experiences for our company. The success of our clients defines the success of our company.

Loan Professionals

Our staff consists of a team of highly experienced professional loan consultants that assist clients in identifying and fulfilling their financial needs. Our major strength lies in our ability to deliver unsurpassed, quick and efficient customer service utilizing our expertise and state-of-the-art technology. Our loan consultants are dedicated professionals equipped with laptop computers and are available seven (7) days a week. They will schedule appointments at a place and time that is convenient to the client and provide personalized service throughout the application process to ensure a smooth transaction.

Forum Mortgage Bancorp. loan consultants have in-depth knowledge of the mortgage industry and extensive training of the various mortgage programs we offer. In addition, our staff is fluent in Polish, Spanish, English and Greek and are experienced in business fields, such as, real estate, finance, accounting, law, and marketing.

The Origin of “Forum”

DEFINITION: Forum 1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas 2 : a judicial body or assembly: a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b: a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities.


7221 W Touhy Ave Chicago. IL 60631-4324

(773) 774-9040 ext. 104

(773) 774-9846

BJV Financial Services, Inc. D/B/A Forum Mortgage Bancorp is regulated by: State of IIIinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations, Division of Banking
555 W. Monroe St., 5th Floor, Chicago, IL 60661 | General Inquiries: 1-888-473-4858 | TTY: 1-866-325-4949 | https://idfpr.illinois.gov | NMLS # 143978 License # MB.0004433 | For licensing information, go to:  https://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org

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